Plant Biology

The rationale behind this site is the need for plant biologists to have a simple yet thorough source of information at their fingertips.

There is a hell of a lot of information out there but sometimes it is hard to see the trees for the wood. Therefore the aim of this site is to cover topics that typically make up part of a plant biology degree. It is intended to cover the subject to a level that is inspiring to undergraduate and graduate students alike. Furthermore information is available for people who have an interest in plants but have no wish to study the subject at university.

A feature that I intend to include is a 'search a Plant Scientist' section. This will be a dynamic interface that will give the searcher information on all the leading lights of the plant field. The user will be able to search, by name, by university and by topic. For example if the user was to enter 'auxin' into the search, they would come up with a list of all the group leaders working in the field and where they are located. Clicking on one of the group leaders names will then give you a detailed overview of their work, a link to their website and their contact details.

As you probably can tell, this site is going to be a long-time project and will take a long time even to get up to a stage where it covers a fraction of all the information in the fast developing world of plant research. With that in mind please keep checking back in to see the latest updates.

Dean Ravenscroft Ph.D 2005

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